5 Things Every Blogger Needs

*This is a sponsored guest post, not written by me*

Blogging is a popular side hustle for a lot of people, especially at a time where the pandemic is affecting our day-to-day experience. Whether you have been furloughed or you’re working from home with plenty of time on your hands, you might be considering starting a blog. 

Blogs can be monetised effectively, so they become a reliable source of secondary income. Can your blog replace your full-time career? It’s a tricky question. Some bloggers can earn a 5- to 6-digit income through their online presence. However, more often than not, blogs will remain a profitable and satisfying side-hustle. And that’s perfectly okay! So if you’re happy with the prospect that your blog is unlikely to make you a millionaire, here are the top 5 things you need to make it work. 

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#1. A passion

Let’s be realistic. A blog is a regularly updated online presence. In other words, you need to pick something you’re passionate about if you want to keep up with the routine of creating new articles. Sure, there’s the talk about selecting a strict niche market. But in reality, blogging is a conversation between you and your audience. You can converse about something you don’t know about. To keep the conversation going, you naturally focus on the things that interest you here and now. That’s how blogs evolve. So your beauty blog may begin to discuss your latest trip or recipe tricks because that’s something you’re experiencing at the time. And you know what? It’s the way a passion develops, and that is what keeps your blog alive. 

#2. A contact-me section

How are you going to get sponsored campaigns or marketing opportunities if people can’t get in touch? Your contact-me page acts as a point where people find everything they need about you. While it’s tempting to share your home address and phone number, you want to avoid publishing confidential information. You can use a physical mailing location in your local town or in a big city, where posts can be digitised to be accessed online. You can also use a contact form. 

#3. Some tech know-how

Nobody expects you to know how to build a website or run a marketing campaign. However, when you write a blog, it can help to know how to format and create SEO-friendly content. Being SEO-friendly, ultimately, means that your articles can be found and indexed by search engines. Understanding the anatomy of a blog post and where SEO tips can make a difference will ensure your content doesn’t get lost to the online competition. 

#4. A story to tell

Bloggers share their expertise in their unique field, whether you’re writing about motherhood or marketing tips. As a result, you need to be willing to expose a little bit about yourself. Sharing personal stories or photos is a no-brainer as a blogger. Your perspective on things is your selling point! 

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#5. Social media pages

How many bloggers are social media links that lead to nowhere or show inactive profiles? If you’re blogging, you also need to interact with your readers and network on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other, bloggers can’t afford to ignore social media. 

Are you ready to create your online presence? As mentioned, you may not experience success overnight, but getting the basics right will bring your blog to life. There’s a lot of joy in reaching out to your readers and creating a conversation that helps both of you grow. 

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