February Fashion Favourites

Plus size blogger holding an Owl

Hey Owlets,

So in case you haven't already noticed (seriously, how have you not?),  I've been absolutely loving talking about plus size fashion recently. Over the last few months I've started to write about what I really enjoy and I love hearing that I've inspired other curvy girls to be confident too. However, there's been a distinct lack of outfit posts on my Instagram recently, and that's entirely because I've gotten obsessed with a few pieces that I've worn almost every day.

Plus size blogger

We might as well get this one out the way first, as I'm pretty sure I can only think of one shoot that this wasn't included in. I picked up this khaki green bomber jacket in the Yours Clothing January sale. At the time I wasn't 100% sold but Dad (he's pretty much my personal shopper!) said it looked good on me. Since then I've worn it almost every day, and found that it goes with basically everything in my wardrobe. I'm now eyeing up both a black and a burgundy bomber jacket online, so there may soon come a point where it's the only style of jacket I wear - does that tell you how much I love it? 

February Fashion Favourites

If you follow me on Twitter then you're probably already sick of seeing these boots. At the time, I was torn between grey and brown and did a poll to help me decide which I should buy(which came out exactly 50/50 so thanks for that). I ended up buying both but the obsession with the grey pair has gotten a little out of hand. I've never actually found comfortable shoes in Primark before, but these I can walk in all day and my feet won't hurt, and for £10 you can't go far wrong (I'll link a similar pair below as Primark STILL don't let you buy online).

February Fashion Favourites

I posted a photograph of me from straight after the Owlet Birthday photoshoot we did and everyone kept asking where I got my gloves from. I actually bought them from Jason's Trading Post (I think that might just be a Bristol thing but correct me if I'm wrong) because I turned up to photograph an event and it was -2. They probably weren't the warmest option I could've bought but my inner fashion blogger told me to get the one with the bows. I won't lie, I wear them even when my hands aren't cold now because I love the bows, and the materials match my coat perfectly. I'll try to find some similar and link them below for you.

February Fashion Favourites

I know, I thought we were past me including selfies in my posts too, but I've been mega busy at uni and haven't had chance to do another photoshoot with my newer favourites but I still want to include them. Earlier this month, the lovely girls from Evans sent me a care package with a gorgeous pink waterfall jacket, some amazing boots (are you seeing a pattern here?), a bright yellow bag and this amazing top. I can't count the amount of times I've said that I really want a lace up top like this, and I've worn it pretty much every single day since I got it. Lace up tops are such a massive trend for spring/summer -  I challenge you to walk into any store and not find one, so I'm happy to be ahead of the trend. The end of the strings also have tassels on, and in my mind that makes this top 500 times cooler. I'll take proper photos of this top soon, I promise!

February Fashion Favourites

We're going for all the cringe worthy photos today - as if regular selfies weren't bad enough, I also have a mirror selfie to post. This is actually a sneaky preview from a post that's coming soon (which you'll already know about if you saw my Twitter poll). I bought this top last week from Matalan, and since then I've done everything I possibly can to include it in almost every outfit, either as a shirt or as a jacket. Anything that has embroidery on it is already an instant winner for me, but when you put khaki in the mix too then you can guarantee that I will be obsessed with it. Also bonus points go to Matalan because their sizing is so spot on. I can sometimes go from an 18 to a size 24 within the same shop, but in Matalan I'm always a 20, regardless of what I try on.

Makeup and a vintage camera

I know this is a bit of a different post for me, so I hope you enjoyed getting an insight into my favourite pieces in my wardrobe over the last month. Let me know what you think in the comments below, and let me know what's your favourite thing to wear at the moment? (P.S. Pyjamas count).

Love and Feathers, 
 The Owlet 💜 

You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin & Snapchat.

N.B: I've had to choose similar products as some things I'm wearing are old or not available online so I hope you don't mind! I also make a very small commission if you buy through my links, but it doesn't cost you any extra and it all goes back into my blog - the extra few pennies helps me to buy items to bring you outfit inspiration. If you don't want to support my blog, then just Google each of the items and you should find them easily! 

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