Hey Owlets,
I like to think that every year is an opportunity for learning and self improvement, but after a particularly difficult year it’s especially useful to re-align your goals, look at where you want to be and work out a pathway to get there. Going through this process at the start of each new season of life is a great way to get in the right mindset and ensure you remain focused on achieving your goals over the coming months.
What Goals Should I Set Myself in 2024?
Goals look different for everyone - it’s very much dependent on your life stage and personal experiences - so try not to compare yourself to others. Some people are very career-oriented and that’s where all of their goals are focused, while other people choose to focus on things that bring them joy outside of work. You could want to start your own business as a side hustle, change job, move house, travel more, learn a new language or take up a hobby - they’re all equally valid goals.
How to Start Working Towards Your Goals in 2024:
The goals we set ourselves are often quite big and usually incredibly vague - when we set goals we don’t usually give much thought to achieving them until afterwards, making it feel like an insurmountable hurdle. It’s fine if that’s how you set your goals, but the best way to achieve them is to break them down into smaller steps and go from there.
Take your main goal and think about the things that you need to achieve to get to a point that you can achieve the overall goal. If you’re looking to learn a language, maybe start by setting yourself some smaller goals like improving one level on the grading system every few months then think about how to achieve this. Investing in yourself is hugely important - hiring a tutor will help you to progress a lot faster than you would be able to alone and will help to keep you accountable. Whether you’re looking for some marketing advice, hoping to improve your language skills or even learn how to knit, sites like Tutor Hunt offer a wide variety of tutors to help you on your way to achieving your goals.
A Note on Evolving Goals:
As you progress through this year, you may find that the goals you set at the beginning of the year no longer align with what you want to achieve. That’s completely normal and absolutely fine - this is a great opportunity to sit down and review the goals you’d set yourself at the beginning of the year and see if there’s a way you can adjust them to better suit what you’re wanting to achieve now. It might be that they’re not quite right anymore, but if there’s something you want to scratch off the list completely then don’t be afraid to do that - just make sure that you’re doing it because it doesn’t work for you anymore, not because it’s difficult.
Remember that you don’t have to set goals every year. New Year is a time that a lot of people reflect and decide how they want to improve over the next 12 months, but it doesn’t mean you need to. You can create goals, scrap goals and change them at any time of year - you start achieving things when you decide it’s time to make a change and focus on self-improvement, regardless of what month it is.
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