Fresh Start

You may remember a blog that ran up until August last year called "Becky Louise Beauty". Now I'm back with a new name, a new look and a new life, but I want to give a little explanation of what happened to make me take a break.

In August I broke up with my boyfriend - it seems to some people that that may not have been much of a reason but due to the length of time we were together and the way things ended to me it was devastating.

Secondly, and probably the biggest thing that's happened is that I started a course at uni in September. I'm currently studying professional photography which I enjoy but it eats up a lot of my time as you would expect.

Finally, I got my blog redesigned over Christmas but was unable to start blogging again due to a sudden death within our family and issues surrounding that.

Throughout that other issues have been playing on in the background that for now at least I don't want to share, but that contributed to me feeling I wouldn't be able to give you the best content and give my blog the effort it deserved.

For now I will try to upload as much as I can but can't promise a schedule due to things being so busy for me at the moment.

The important thing to remember is that I'm back and blogging with a new life and new friends and I feel the happiest I've been in an incredibly long time, and I'm ready to share that with you again so watch this space :)

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