Dear Bullies: A Word

Letter To Bullies Advice for Dealing with Bullying Harassment School Problems Growing Up

Dear Bullies,

It started in primary school - something I’ve known all my life as bullying. It’s been labeled playground gossip, banter and now I’m a blogger its “trolling” but it’s all bullying to me. You don’t like me, I get that. You think I’m fat? I’ve heard that once or twice before. I’m ugly, a failure, you can’t believe someone would date me. I deserve to die because I’m not society’s vision of what a woman should be. You know what you haven’t heard? I don’t care.

The fact that bullying exists in itself is disgusting - how one human could say such things to another is saddening, but it’s not exactly a shock to the system. Being a bully seems to give small minded people a little bit of power for that few seconds, but when you switch on the news to hear of the latest teenager that’s gone missing because they couldn’t take it anymore, does that make you feel good?

Bullying has been a massive part of my life. In primary school, stupid little girls would make fun of me because I wasn’t like them and as I grow up you don’t, you just find new ways to try and break me because I’ve already overcome everything else you’ve tried. In secondary school it turned physical, going home with bruises and broken glasses because I didn’t fit in and my school couldn’t care less. However, there is one thing that needs to be said to these power-crazed people.


Letter To Bullies Advice for Dealing with Bullying Harassment School Problems Growing Up

Growing up surrounded by people like you taught me that I needed not to get even, but to get better. I needed to be better than you so that when you grow up and find out that you can’t just push someone to the floor if you don’t like them, it’s you who’s wasted your school years. While you were busy trying to be the nastiest person around, I kept going. Kept finding ways to be stronger than you. 

It’s been six years since I left school. People say it’s the best time of your life but believe me, the best was yet to come. 

While you sit there behind your computer, making up screen names so that you can tell me I’m fat and deserve to die, I will be here owning my life. I’ll carry on going, just like I did in school. I said I would be better than you and I am, because bullies don’t win - we do. It’s your abuse that forced me to be confident. Your abuse taught me to stand my ground and your abuse showed me that I needed to keep going, even when things weren’t going my way.

So thank you, because your playground gossip, banter, trolling, or whatever word you want to veil bullying as, has made me someone I’m proud to be and your wasted time has given me the determination to better myself at every opportunity.

I WIN. Good luck bullying your way through life - you’ll need it.

Love and Feathers, 
 The Owlet 💜 

You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin & Snapchat.

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