Good morning!

I'll keep this post brief, as I'm sure by this point you're on at least your second glass of bubbly and have already eaten too much despite the fact that it's only breakfast time.

I don't really have anything to say in this post, other than one very important message:

I hope you have the best Christmas Day. Enjoy your time with family. Enjoy the food, the drinks, the company and, of course, the presents (I can't wait to see on Twitter what you all got!).

I can't believe it's come to the end of our Christmassy content already, but don't worry as I have lots of posts to guide you into the New Year, and some incredibly exciting things to follow in 2017.

There's going to be some exciting collaborations, lots more travelling, body confidence tips, vlogs, fashion, recipes and who only knows what else.

Thank you for making my first year as a blogger so amazing; I can't wait to see what my next year as The Owlet will bring.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, God Bless and any other festive greetings you can think of. 

Love and Festive Feathers, 
 The Owlet 💜 

You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin & Snapchat.

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